Thursday, March 20, 2014

Missing Plane, Ukraine, Economic Sanctions..My take

Via all MSM press releases:

"President Barack Obama says the United States is levying a new round of economic sanctions on individuals in Russia, both inside and outside the government, in retaliation for the Kremlin's actions in Ukraine.

Obama says he has also signed a new executive order that would allow the U.S. to sanction key sectors of the Russian economy.

The new penalties mark the second round of economic sanctions the U.S. has levied on Russia this week. The first round of penalties had little impact in stopping Moscow from annexing the strategically important Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine".

After hearing President Obama's new threat of economic sanctions to Russia in his brief statement this morning, I got an "ahha!" moment. Let's analyse for a moment, shall we?

From his statement: "...these sanctions would not only have a significant impact on the Russian economy but could also be disruptive to the global economy".

From CNN Money: " Ukraine's instability comes at a difficult time for emerging markets worldwide, which are seeing growth slow as the Federal Reserve eases its economic stimulus. The situation in Ukraine could lead investors to reassess the risks of other emerging markets slowing economic growth. Troubles in Ukraine will also hurt Russian banks, which have leant heavily to Ukraine. The Russian ruble is down about 10% since the start of 2014".

"Much like a perfect storm at sea is the consequence of three converging bad weather fronts, three significant global economic trends have begun to intensify and converge in recent months: (1) a slowing of the China economy and a parallel growing financial instability in its shadow banking system; (2) a collapse in emerging markets currencies (India, Brazil, Turkey, South Africa, Indonesia, etc.) and their economic slowdown; (3) a continued drift toward deflation in the Eurozone economies, led by growing problems in Italy and economic stagnation now spreading to France, the Eurozone’s second largest economy. The problems in these three critical areas of the global economy, moreover, have begun to feed off of each other". Read full article here:
What better way to engage a global currency than to crash the global economy? Some believe that a global "reset" would benefit humanity. I, for one, do not. Throughout history, money has always been the root of evil, inequality, domination and war.

Agenda 21- One World Government, One World Currency and a One World security apparatus

Agenda 21 is a major tool of the New World order, conceived in 1992 in Rio DeJaniero at the “Earth Summit.” Its original name, “Sustainable Development”, began in 1987 with Gro Harlem Brundtland, VP of the World Socialist Party. Heavily promoted to the public as the salvation for this planet and every human being, it is anything but that. It needs to be revealed in no uncertain terms so you know what it truly is.

At that momentous meeting, 178 nations signed the document; President Bush signed for the U.S. Later President Clinton signed an executive order, basically demanding compliance from every state and community with the goals and plans of Agenda 21 which is fast coming about as official policy in every town, city and state
Compassionate-sounding terms like “Population Stabilization” and “Sustainable Development” are simply masks for the true purpose of this United Nations plan – a world domination of your life and liberty, basically an insidious plot to control any and all parts of existence. As stated in my article below, this process is already underway.

As we all know, Edward Snowden told the world about the worldwide surveillance taking place, so it is clear that a "One world  security apparatus" is well underway as well.

That leaves ONE WORLD CURRENCY ..... Could the US new sanctions be the beginning of a collapse that could lead to it?

The Missing Plane...

Half of the planet Earth is looking for it. The masses are intrigued and consumed by it. The countries of the world are united in the search! I find it interesting that with all of the technology, tracking, airspace monitoring, etc., it just escaped into Never Never Land without a trace, don't you? From the beginning, I thought it's disappearance could be a distraction...but from what?

With President Obama's announcement, I can't help but wonder if it is right in front of our faces. Let's just assume that all of the governments of world are working in concert to implement Agenda 21.

Russia "invades" Crimea. Europe and the US respond with economic sanctions which cripple the world economy. Everyone suffers horrendous consequences. World hunger, collapse of society, lawlessness, martial law, FEMA camps, etc. After a period of time, there is only ONE sollution...a NEW WORLD ORDER...a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT..ONE GLOBAL CURRENCY. Humanity will beg for it and accept it with open arms. Thoughts????


  1. All possible, but the other scenario is ;
    Every country in the world will have their own currency again, backed by gold and other commodities.
    Re-valuation and Global Currency Reset will bring this about.
    The above of which you speak are the playing out of remaining negativity in the moments before the Event.
    The negative forces have lost, as all will soon be aware.

    1. The RV and GCR you speak of would mean doom to the United States. The manipulation of gold prices has led to massive fraud in our financial system. If US currency is backed by "gold and other commodities", hyper-inflation would immediately occur. Let's not forget, the same "negative forces" that created this system will still be running the new one. I would love to believe that a GCR is the answer, but please explain to me how (other than bailing out the negative forces who caused this mess to begin with) it will help the average citizen of the US..or any other country for that matter. Am I missing something?

  2. There is NEVER just one solution. Be careful what you wish for.
