Thursday, January 8, 2015

Paris Terror Attack: Was it a warning to President François Hollande over his stance on easing Russian sanctions?

As reported by the New York Times on January 5, 2015 (

"French Leader Urges End to Sanctions Against Russia Over Ukraine"

MOSCOW — Western nations should stop threatening Russia with new sanctions and instead offer to ease off on existing restrictions in exchange for progress in the peace process in Ukraine, President François Hollande ofFrance said in an interview on Monday.

Backing President Vladimir V. Putin into a corner will not work, he said, giving a high-level voice to what is seen as mounting sanctions fatigue among European politicians, as the Ukraine crisis lurches into a second year.

"Terrorists Strike Charlie Hebdo Newspaper in Paris, Leaving 12 Dead"

The terrorist attack by masked gunmen on the newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, left 12 people dead — including the top editor, prominent cartoonists and police officers — and was among the deadliest in postwar France. The killers escaped, traumatizing the city and sending shock waves through Europe and beyond.

"Officials said late Wednesday that two of the suspects were brothers. They were identified as Said and Chérif Kouachi, 34 and 32. The third suspect is Hamyd Mourad, 18. News reports said the brothers, known to intelligence services, had been born in Paris, raising the prospect that homegrown Muslim extremists were responsible". (Brothers? the Boston bombing "suspects"?)

Officials and witnesses said at least two gunmen had carried out the attack with assault weapons and military-style precision.

"Some security analysts suggested to the Guardian that they appeared to have some military training. "They were very professional, very organised. It was well-timed. You can't pull off something like this without military training," said former US army lieutenant-colonel Tony Shaffer. "Whoever they were, they were highly trained in military tactics."

So, could this attack be a warning to President Hollande to reconsider his stance on easing Russian sanctions? We have all seen "stranger" things, haven't we?


  1. There are some that have publicly stated that the entire affair was staged and label it as a "false flag" attack. Presuming they are correct, how would they explain the death of the Charb ? Can that death be proven by more than by merely mention in the press? On the presumption that a "false flag" was perpetrated, *Charb* would need to go into hiding, and have a significant purse toward those ends.

    1. Hard to say what is "real" and what is not in these times. IMO, the more MSM dwells on a particular subject, the more suspect I am of it's validity. That said, when the US opposition (whomever they may be) acts, scenarios like this seem to immediately follow. Time will tell...or not

    2. The press actually has its hands tied. Little fact: ALL news that is international in any regard whatsoever is first "approved" by one person sitting at one desk in an editing hierarchy... i.e. if it's trash... poof, it's gone, if it's worth keeping but lacks... pow... sent back to editors ( plural ) and... finally, if its printable... its "approved" and that is why little videos pop up to make fun of it from time to time.

      The man behind that desk is currently Howard Goldberg. For the continental US. His only counterpart internationally would be a man named Stephen J. Adler.

      That is a "lot" of power for only two individuals. So it goes.

    3. i had an URL under "little videos" but here it is plain:

      Sorry it's a "giggle box" show.
