by David Harris Gershon
Each week, TIME Magazine designs covers for four markets: the U.S., Europe, Asia and the South Pacific. Often, America’s cover is quite, well – different. This week offers a stark example.
Yes, what you see is TIME devoting its cover in international markets to a critical moment in Egypt’s revolution – perhaps the most important global story this week – while offering Americans the chance to contemplate their collective navels (with a rather banal topic and supposition, to boot).This is not an isolated incident, for perusingTIME’s covers reveals countless examples of the publication tempting the world with critical events, ideas or figures, while dangling before Americans the chance to indulge in trite self-absorption.
Witness these stunning dichotomies:
Viewing these covers, a question must be asked: do these moments of marketing (through a choice in covers) reveal more about Americans, or about the state of American journalism? I fear the answer.
And some don't believe that US citizens are being 'dumbed down'. Sheesh! I think it shows govt manipulation via divide and conquer. Those first three are just designed to create disharmony between men and women and between siblings. Not sure about the last one. Probably designed to turn us into hypochondriacs though in the interests of fair play I haven't read the article.