Monday, April 7, 2014

What is REALLY going on?

Do you REALLY want to know? It's not a pretty picture.

Agenda 21 in in full force. Chemtrails, the global warming scam, false flags instigating war, extreme's all there, right in our faces.

Though it seems that many more have awakened to truth, have we reached "critical mass"? I think we are very very close...and the PTB know this. Good in a way, and frightening (if you are the paranoid type) in another. THEY know we are awake. I think they have resorted to plan B. What is plan B?  I'm clueless. WW3? I sort of doubt it. They have families that have to live on this Earth for eons to come.

What would YOU do if your ultimate plan failed. That is my question. Let's put our heads together and find a common denominator, shall we??  Post your thoughts in the comment section. Let's see how creative you can

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